Monday, June 27, 2011

Worst Blogger Ever.


I turned sixteen two days ago, and, honestly, I feel no different.
I'm not sure what I was expecting... If anything. Hmm.


Things are going well. Really well. (:

I'm leaving for Ohio & Michigan tomorrow. Then I'm seeing Foster the People on the fifth! (Oh, and, p.s. I'm most likely meeting them!! Gahhhh. Super stoked.) And then, I get my license (FINALLY) probably on the sixth.

I'm sorry I'm boring.
I'm the worst blogger ever, I've decided.

Oh, hey.
So, I made a new tumblr for my poems and songs and stories and such.
And my regular, summer tumblr is...

Oh, guys!! I got a ukulele! Her name is Souhait (it's French for "wish").

I'm still highly considering getting rid of this blog.
Yeah, I think I shall.
Just follow my two tumblrs. (:


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The World In Which We Once Lived

Hello, dear readers!

Today is Tuesday... I got home from LA last night around nine.
It was my second trip there in less than a week.
Tomorrow I am making my third.

I have been in the midst of auditioning for a feature film called "Broken." I'm auditioning for Emma, who is basically me, which is weird and awesome at the same time.
Anyhoo, my first audition for it was last Thursday, my callback was Monday, and my second (I think final; I'm pretty sure it's down to me and one other girl) callback will be Thursday.

Fun, fun. (:

While driving home last night, I finished Douglas Coupland's "The Gum Theif." It was brilliant. So, so good. I highly recommend it to you!! Great Summer read.

I spent a few hours - three, I think - at Barnes & Noble today. That was lovely. (: I got some tea, picked out a new book ("Room," by Emma Donaghue), and looked at giant photography books.
As I was looking at these photography books, I realized something about myself. I literally want to do everything.

Just to name a few, I want to:
  • be a deep-sea photographer,
  • learn how to sail,
  • open a used bookstore/coffeehouse,
  • open a vegetarian restaurant,
  • travel all over Europe,
  • become fluent in at least one other language,
  • start at least three charities,
  • win an Academy Award,
  • star in popular film and television projects,
  • write a memoir, a few novels, and a series,
  • write/produce/perform multiple folk-pop albums,
  • headline a world tour,
  • open a restaurant with my dad...
the list goes on and on...

Well, enough of that.
Seriously, I want to live in a bookstore. It's so lovely.

Also, I believe I am still in the running for a new performance-based reality show entitled "Majors & Minors," however, I signed a contract and cannot say anything more than that.

I don't really know what else to talk about..
I had a bunch of really cool thoughts, but, of course, they left me.

I am working on a bunch of new songs and stories... "California" (song), "Magnolia" (song), "Jaybird" (song), "The World In Which We Once Lived" (song), "Pen Pals" (song), "Sheet Forts" (song), "Sophie" (story), "Two Birds" (story), "Kids" (story), and "Pretty Little Mind" (story), just to name a few.

I am really excited about all of these projects I'm in the running for, and ones I will be auditioning for soon.

If there's something you'd like me to talk about, just let me know!


P.S. (for the person who keeps requesting)
These are some of the books I have on my bookshelf:

  • My Name Is Russell Fink
  • It's Kind of A Funny Story
  • Post Secret
  • Alice's Adventures In Wonderland & Through The Looking Glass
  • The Annotated Alice
  • Webster's Dictionary
  • Thirteen Reasons Why
  • The Last Sin Eater
  • The Giver
  • Dreamland
  • Paper Towns
  • Looking For Alaska

Alright, that's all.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Vlog, Anyone?

Hello, there, my lovelies.

So, here's the thing... I think I'm going to start a vlog. I'll make my first one tonight.
It's been requested/suggested many a time, so I think I shall do it!

What do I talk about?!

Comment, message, ask me!

Please, please, please let me know topics you'd like me to talk about, questions you'd like me to answer, and/or things you'd like my opinion on for my vlog!


That's really all, since I'll talk about other stuff on my vlog.

Thanks. (:


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Free People

Hey! Alright, so I've decided that maybe once a week I'll do a style post, and in each post, I'll showcase one particular designer/brand/store/boutique. Sound good? Alright!

So, for my first one, I'd like to talk about:
Free People!
I love, love, love Free People. They've got the best stuff. Seriously.. Anyhoo, here goes.

This is adorable. All I have to say.
I love this outfit. It looks awesome with the chunky scarf, too. Great way to add depth and dimension. Wear your hair down or in a slicked back pony for a chicer look.
Good pool outfit. It's nice and simple.
I love these shorts. You can style it as below, very minimally, or ad lots of bracelets and rings to add more of your own personal flare.
This is a very simple way to have some fun with color in your wardrobe. Lately I feel like people are being drab with just their grays and blacks... Play up the color this summer! Get noticed!
This is an awesome outfit for a night out on the town, a concert, a party, anything fun. It's so fun yet sophisticated! Take a sheer, see-through top and pair it with something darker and more solid on the bottom.
The ruffles in the skirt paired with the crocheted cardigan are a perfect cloudy summer day piece. Play up the color.
Gahh. I love, love, love this. The colors are so much fun. Crocheted pieces are awesome with little solid tanks. The floppy hat just adds to it. You can switch it out for a feather or headband; make it your own.
This is nice and gentlemanly. I love mixing feminine skirts with manly button-downs. It's a fun juxtaposition.
These colors are so fun and girly. Great day-at-the-park staple.
THIS. Man, I'm in love. I love the straight skirt, and the print is so exciting! The key to wearing something with a print as busy as this skirt is to put it with something much more simple. If you still want it to have interest, make it a solid with a lacy print or an asymmetrical neckline.
Love these pants. They're so cute! They could also go with a red top for a Fourth of July barbecue.
This top is so sweet and flirty. Put it with the hat for something fun during the day, throw a blazer on to dress it up for the night.
This is one exception where two different prints can go together. The reason? Neither is super busy, and they're going in the same direction. The colors are great together, too.
This is an awesome example of playing up the color. When you have a top with a multiple color scheme, pull the color that is used in the smallest spaces for your bottoms.
I love lace. It's so feminine, but when you put it with these accessories and a unique pant, it brings an edge.
Perfect girly-edgey outfit for a date or concert. The key with extremely distressed denim is to put a simple, solid top with a bit of interest with it, like this one.
This is great for any summer event. The colors are reminiscent of the 60s/70s, and when you add a great shoe and/or bag, it brings in a modern twist.
This is my favorite summer color. Such a great outfit for shopping, thrifting, or meeting someone for coffee.
Great beach cover-up. Get one with your favorite color to add some of yourself.
Great, great, great festival outfit. For music, art, and fashion expos, wear a body-con skirt with a loose, light, tank to show off your body and your style.
I have a shirt like this, and I love it. It's a great cover up for the pool or the beach, or pair it with a white short to go grab lunch.
These shorts are awesome. Wear this outfit on a fancy lunch date.
Here's another example of mixing femininity and gentlemanity. Body-con skirts and manly button-downs are a really fun day outfit.
This is one of my favorite ways to wear a maxi skirt or dress. Throw a crop top or sweatshirt over a maxi. Such a cool, laid back way to have a gypsy-esque feel.
Crop tops and flowy skirts are a cute mix. Wear this to a day event.
Sheer crop tops are fun cover ups. Wear it to a pool or beach party.
This is a great nighttime outfit. The dark top and floral shorts are a cool, edgy, nighty outfit for a concert or a party.
More lace! When you put lace with a pastel like these shorts, it's a sure-fire way to be cute and flirty all day long.
I love this cardigan. It's just got a fun, navajo-esque vibe for anytime.
This slip dress is fantastic. Great for a date or the beach - anything! Change it up with the color underneath and the accessories you put with it.
Adorable! This is a great romper, and I love that it's in yellow. Yellow is such a happy color to wear when you're in a great mood. You could wear this rollerskating or to a casual party.
Sweet dress, in more ways than one. The color makes it feminine, but the wash and cut makes it more tom-boyish.
Tight maxis are great with a loose tank overtop. Buy the tank in a size-too-big so you can cinch it perfectly with a cool belt.
This totally reminds me of Lucy Hale's character Aria in ABC Family's Pretty Little Liars. The colors are cool and dark, the lace adds more charm.
I don't have much to say except that I absolutely love this. It's great how it is, but a belt would be lovely too.
This is awesome. It's perfect for a day at the pool.

I love this dress. The print and color are so exciting, but not too busy! Accessorize it a lot, or keep it bare.

Check out more sweet fashions at

Happy June!
Goodbye. (:

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I don't mean to be cynical, but...

Hello, World.

Just finished watching the '91 film "The Rocketeer."
It was adorable. (:

I have decided that Jennifer Connelly is one of my favorite actresses, alongside Meryl Streep and Rachel McAdams.


On Friday night, I played two originals ("Poetry Eyes" and "A Tumblin' Down") at SoZo Coffeehouse. It was a blast. The crowd was awesome, and I was asked back to play an entire show. (: I'll let y'all know when that is!

So, I wanted to say a few things, just, to say them.

Numero Uno:

I am in love with the Summer - I get to swim all day and write all night, and be my naturally nocturnal self.

Numero Dos:

This whole job-hunting thing is a lot more difficult than you'd think. Oh, well. I'll keep pressing on. :D


As I write this, I am staring at my little toy hippie van.. The picture is above... It's putting me in such a better mood.


A few of my favorite shots from my most recent photoshoot are above, as well (all of them are on my tumblr).


I was talking with my friend Megan earlier... And she was telling me how she was such a pessimist and that I'm lucky I am able to trust people, that I'm super optimistic.. This was my response:

"I'd rather be a pessimist than an optimist. When you're pessimistic, you don't get let down so much and when something good happens, you're able to be pleasantly surprised. As an optimist, your dreams are constantly being crushed and when something good happens, it's never as good as you expected."

What do you guys think? Do you agree with me or her? Vote on my poll, comment, or let me know on my formspring. I'm kind of interested to see what y'all think about that...


I don't mean to be cynical, but...

I'm having a really hard time putting my faith in humanity right now. I just went through sort of a messy breakup-esque shpeel and it was not fun. Obviously, when you're sensitive and in a high emotional state, you have a hard time seeing the good in people/love. So, that's where I'm at right now.
But just a word of advice:
Before you allow yourself to have strong feelings for someone (I don't mean the crushy butterflies, I mean somewhere closer to love), make sure you really, really know them. People like to pretend to be someone they're not to get people's attention. Some do it without realizing it and others do it perfectly intentionally. So, just watch out for that. Make sure that you're being who you really are, too. Because you don't want to fall for someone and later find out they're not exactly who you thought, and you also don't want someone else to fall for you when you're not really being you.


Art is art. It's about the artist. It's not about following the rules - in fact, it's more so about breaking them.
And please don't ever let someone tell you that you're not good enough. Listen and hear me when I say: YOU ARE!! You are more than good enough. You are perfect. And someone someday will realize that. If it feels like nobody realizes that, then they're not really who you wanna be hanging around, anyway. Because you don't want to be surrounded by people who bring you down. You want - and need! - to be surrounded by people who lift you up and tell you the truth and encourage you to be you and do what you love.

Well, if you have any responses to the aforementioned anything, you know what to do. I love you! Sleep tight, sweet dreams, don't let the bedbugs bite!! <3


Monday, May 9, 2011



i apologize deeply. very deeply.
to be honest, i kind of just neglected to think about this blog. /:

but, i promise, i am back!

i have quite a few things to update you all on. so, if you want to hear about my life, keep reading.
if not, i invite you to go to the top corner of your browser and press the red "X".

here goes...

1.) i no longer have a boyfriend. it has been quite a while since this change, but i realize that my last post says i have one. i do not.
i would appreciate it if you did not question this. just accept it. (:

2.) i met a very, very awesome somebody on wendesday, and i hope that we have a future.

3.) i am currently working on crafting a screenplay. my first draft is ALMOST DONE! it's called "The Singer's Girlfriend or Something" and is based off of a short story i wrote.
set in 1972, it's a coming-of-age dramatic romance that will leave you QUESTIONING. :D i am super stoked about it.
like, really, really, really stoked. i am very proud of it so far.

4.) i am still waiting to hear back about callbacks from a couple of projects. i will be auditioning in a few days for a short film that i am excited about... (:

5.) this saturday, may 14, from 4-8pm i will be doing a meet & greet and playing a celebrity softball game at the Scottsdale Stadium for the At Bat For Kids event. i invite you to come down - we can take pictures, and i'll be answering any questions you have, or we can just chat for a while! i'm looking forward to it! (:

6.) i finally, finally, finally have a youtube! only two of my songs up so far, but soon i will be adding covers and more originals! i would really appreciate your suggestions as to what songs you'd like me to cover, and i'd appreciate you and your friends checking my videos out! the link will be at the end of this post.

i have recently discovered something about myself.
for a while, i've been trying to figure out what my style is. style of clothing, style of music, etc.
turns out, i'm just very, very eccentric. my ipod is host to everything from 60s/70s, to grunge, to country, to folk, to jazz, to pop, to singer/songwriter, to hiphop, to rock, to alternative... pretty much, you name it. and that's so true of everything in my life. i don't have a favorite genre of anything, really. my clothing style, though i suppose it does lean pretty heavily toward the bohemian/hippie label, pretty much just depends on my mood and/or where i'm going. same with music. same with books.

which, by the way, i have been really super into poetry lately. dude, i love poetry! my favorite poet is kylie johnson. i'm pretty sure she's australian. (:
i've been writing a lot lately, too (poetry, that is). check out my tumblr for some of my poetry, and let me know what you think..

anyway, i suppose that is all.
i will get back to blogging on here regularly.
i have decided that this will be the place you all can read about my life (if it's really that interesting) and my tumblr will basically be my public diary. (:

well, ciao!


twitter: @jayy_love
formspring: .me/jaynajordan
tumblr: inconvenienceismymiddlename.tumblr
youtube: .com/slightlybroken07

Saturday, April 2, 2011

been gone.

hey, guys. so sorry it's been FOREVER since my last post.

so, couple things:

- i have submitted for a feature film and a tv show. more news will come later. (:
- i have a boyfriend. his name is vernon.
- i am going shopping tomorrow with my stylist for my next photoshoot.
- said photoshoot is happening on the 7th, thursday.

anyway, not much has been going on, i guess. just school and rehearsals and stuff.

just wanted to say hey. i'm in my first LM video on youtube.

also, on the 7th, at my photoshoot, i will be filming a few things for my youtube channel, so i will FINALLY get some videos up!

keep checking in! thanks! i love you!